Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Meeting Reminders

Tonight is our big Forever Green Meeting!
We will be putting together a collection box for our plastic bag drive this weekend!
We will also be making t-shirt re-usable bags!
Here is what you need to remember to bring to the meeting tonight:
1. 2 old t-shirts
2. Uniform and Dues
3. Camp worksheet filled out with $25 deposit
4. Safety Meeting Homework

We have a few boxes of Girl Scout Cookies that need to be eaten, so the Troop will provide snack tonight!


  1. Just want to say I love your Girl Scout site. I have a Daisy troop in Florida and plan to use your format! Can you send me how to do the t-shirt reuseable bags?

  2. Thanks! The website has been a helpful tool in communicating with girls and parents. Here is where I got the bag instructions: http://www.girlscouts.org/gsforevergreen/pdf/GSFG_Make_a_Resusable_Bag_Instructions.pdf
    The girls had a really great time making the bags. They cut them and decorated them with permanent markers, then I had a couple of mothers sew the bottoms up.
