Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Introducing Our Kaper Chart!!!

This is our kaper chart!
What is a kaper, you ask???
Well, kaper is the Girl Scout word for job.
We have lots of jobs to do at our meeting, as you can see.
The girls will take turns doing these jobs (kapers).
The kaper chart helps us to keep track of who is doing what kaper.

If your girl has the snack provider kaper,
she will come home with a sticker the meeting before.
I thought you might like to be warned first! ;)

At each meeting, when your Girl Scout arrives she should always
Drop Her Dues
                              ~into the dues jar
Sign Her Name
                                  ~ on the sign-in sheet
Check Her Kaper
The girls will be responsible for checking to see which job they are to do, and then jump in and help when the big moment arrives.  Make sure that your girl knows to ask if she needs help knowing what her job is and when she should do it.  A leader will be happy to give her that information.

Girl Scouts like to help out!

It makes them happy!

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