Monday, December 5, 2011

Cookie Inventory and Wrap Up Plan

Wow!  My girls have done an amazing job selling cookies this year.  I am astonished at how hard they, and their parents are working!  Every single girl is doing her very best work, some girls are even working through some great hardships, and yet they are still helping to support our troop!  To say that I am proud of each one of my girls is an understatement!

We are going to start the process of wrapping up our sales. That does not mean that we are all going to stop selling, not just yet anyway.  There are going to be some changes that will help us to sell the remaining cookies in our little pantry, but still help the girls to achieve their goals, or increase their camp credit.
On December 10th, I need you to stop taking orders on your form.  Please turn them into me on December 10 (8:30-8:00) or December 11 (3:00 - 8:00).  I will fill all of the orders that I can and then order the rest from our SU Cookie Pantry.  After all of these orders have been filled, if there are cookies left, we must sell them.   I will put that inventory up on the website, and we all need to work to get them sold.  Please call each order in to me, I will write it down on your girl's form and pull the order, and then update the website.  This will require everyone to keep checking the website as they sell, so we don't sell more cookies than we have.  If you become a follower, the updated inventory posts will automatically be emailed to you.

I am sending this information, along with the amount of cookies you have taken from the pantry, and how much money you owe for those cookies, out to the girls on Tuesday (you will find it in her mailbox).  Please let me know if you find discrepancies, numbers and I are not the best of friends :).

Here is a list of the cookies I have on hand right now:
Shout Outs - 20
Thanks A Lots - 85
Caramel deLites - 47
Shortbread - 32
Peanut Butter Patties - 35
Thin Mints - 29
Lemonades - 24
Peanut Butter Sandwiches - 32

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