Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Girl Scout Homework

Each Girl Scout was given a cookie training packet at our cookie meeting, and inside it was a list of summer trip options.  (I will list these below.)  Each girl needs to review these options and vote for one summer adventure.  This is what we will be spending some of our cookie money on.  Please bring your choice, written down on the sheet inside your packet (or another paper if yours is lost), and turn it in to Mrs. Rebecca's mailbox at the November 1st meeting.  The results will be posted on the website the next day. 
(By the way, four girls left their packets at the last meeting.  If one is yours, feel free to contact me and I can send it to your girl, through the school.)
Our details will come together in the early spring, but for now, this is the information that I have for each choice.

Summer Adventure Choices

Choice #1 – Omaha Zoo Camp Out- Mom & Me Event
This will be an animal themed campout which would include over-night zoo activities, pizza, movie as well as the day at the zoo (if Mom isn’t too exhausted by morning ;)  6:45 pm – 9:00 am – Unless you decide to spend the day at the zoo.

The cost will be $15 per person ($30 for  Mom & Girl Scout) plus the cost for breakfast. (You can pack your own.)

Each girl must be accompanied by her mom, or another female adult.  No Tag-alongs will be allowed.

Choice #2 – Wildlife Safari Park Campout, Omaha, NE – Mom & Me Event
This will be an evening around the campfire at the wildlife park.  It includes tents and breakfast.  6:45 pm – 9:00 am

The cost will be $10 per person ($20 for Mom & Girl Scout).
Before getting to the park, the troop will pay for a group stop for pizza for supper.

Each girl must be accompanied y her mom, or another female adult.  The troop will not provide transportation.  No Tag-alongs will be allowed.

Choice #3 - Worlds of Fun – Day Trip
We will go as a group and enjoy the day at World’s of Fun. 
One adult is required to go along with each Girl Scout.  The troop will pay a portion of the cost for one girl and adult.  It will cost you $15 per person.  The troop will also provide $10 lunch or souvenir money for each Girl Scout.  Tag-Alongs are welcome, but will be responsible for all of their own expenses.

Choice #4 – Schlitterbahn – Day Trip
We will go as a group and enjoy the day at Schlitterbahn.
One adult is required to go along with each Girl Scout.  The troop will pay a portion of the cost for one girl and adult.  It will cost you $5 per person. You will be responsible for your own lunch, and picnic lunches are allowed.  Tag-Alongs are welcome, but will be responsible for all of their own expenses.

The troop will not provide transportation to any of these events.

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